Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Ruby Stone

And Ruby is a pink to blood red gemstone, and a variety of the mineral corundum (aluminum oxide). The red color is caused mainly by the element chromium. Its name comes from Roper, Latin for red. The gem of the corundum, called the quality of other items sapphires. And is considered one of the four ruby gems, along with Alyakoto Elzimrdo diamonds.

Are primarily price-fixing by the color of rubies. The brightest and most valuable "red" called pigeon blood red, commands a large premium on the other ruby of similar quality. After color follows clarity: similar to diamonds, and stone and clear and excellent leadership, but the ruby without any needle-like rutile impurities may indicate that the stone and has been addressed. And Carat (weight) also determine the price.
Physical Characteristics

Rubies have a hardness of 9.0 on a scale of Moss to the hardness of metals. Between the natural gems only diamond and Moissanite is more difficult, with a diamond Mohs hardness of 10.0, which is located somewhere in the moissonite (ruby corundum between) and diamonds in hardness. Ruby and α - alumina (the most stable form of Al 2 O 3) and that a small portion of aluminum 3 + ions are replaced by chromium 3 + ions. Each chromium 3 + surrounded by six O octahedrally2 - ions. This arrangement of crystals strongly affects both chromium 3 + output, in the absorption of green light in the yellow region of the spectrum, and thus in the red color of the gemstones. When it absorbs green light, yellow chromium 3 +, is re-emitted, and the red luminescence. [2], and this adds to the emission of red color red is considered by subtraction of light green and purple of the white light, and adds luster to the gem in appearance. When the optical arrangement so that emissions are stimulated by 694 nm photons reflecting back and forth between two mirrors, and the emission grows strongly in intensity. This effect has been used by Theodore Maiman in 1960 to make the success of the first laser, based on Ruby.

All natural rubies and disadvantages of them, including color impurities and inclusions of rutile needles known as "silk". Gemologists use these needle found in the inclusion of natural rubies to distinguish them from synthetics, simulation, or alternatives. Are usually a hot stone is rough before cutting. Today almost all rubies are treated in one way or another, with the heat treatment is a practice more common than others. However, sapphire, that have not fully addressed, but still of excellent quality command a large premium.

Some rubies show 3 points or 6 points, a set of stars or "star". This cut rubies cabochons to display the effect properly. Is the best and pronounced with a single light source, and move through the material and the light or moving stone is rotated Asterisms. These effects occur when light is reflected from the "silk" (in the direction structurally rutile inclusion of a needle) in a certain way. This is one example where inclusions increase the value of precious stones. Furthermore, it can change the color of rubies show - though this happens in very rare cases - as well as chatoyancy or "cat eye" effect.
Natural occurrence

And Mogok Valley in Upper Burma) and was (for centuries the world's main source of Lalyakot. They were produced in the region some of the finest rubies mined than ever, but in recent years very few good rubies have been found there. The color of rubies in Myanmar, in some cases described as the very best as a "blood bath." central Myanmar, from the area of Mong Hsu began producing rubies During the 1990s, and quickly became the world's major ruby mining area. Recently, I found most of the Ruby deposit in Myanmar Namya (Namyazeik) located in the state of North Kachin.

Sapphire has been mined historically in Thailand, Pailin and Samlout region of Cambodia, and Afghanistan. Sapphire is rarely found in Sri Lanka, where pink sapphires are the most common. After World War II was found on a ruby deposits in Tanzania, Madagascar, Vietnam, Nepal, Tajikistan, and Pakistan. I have found there were a few of sapphire in the U.S. states of Montana, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Recently, Ruby and large deposits have been found under the ice shelf retreat of Greenland. In 2002 rubies were found in the river area Waseges Kenya.

Alispenilalohjar stones, and sometimes be found, another red with rubies in the same gem gravel or marble. Be mistaken Spinel Ruby Red had by those lacking experience with precious stones. However, the best red spinels can not and has a value approaching that Robbie average.
A cut ruby.
Factors that affect the value of

Diamonds are classified by using criteria that became known as C-4, two color, cut, clarity, and carat weight. Similarly, natural sapphire can be evaluated using four common with the size and geographic origin.

Color: in the evaluation of colored gemstones, color is the most important single factor. Color is divided into three components; Hue, saturation, and tone. Hue refers to the "color" and we usually use this term. Transparent gems occur in the following forms: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, purple and pink are the spectral shapes. Setta, the first of its kind in the spectral shapes; two spectral shapes are modified. Purple is the color of which is located halfway between red and blue. Pink is the shade of the color red. The nature and existence of pure forms are rarely so when talking about the hue of the gems we speak of, secondary and higher in some cases, primary forms. Ruby in the primary should be for the color red. Forms and types of precious stones corundum were invited all other rubies. Ruby may show a wide range of forms of secondary education. Orange, purple, violet, pink and possible
Treatment and improvements

Improve the quality of gemstones by treating them is common practice. Some treatments are used in almost all cases, and therefore considered acceptable. During the late 1990s, led to large quantities of low-cost to a sudden increase in supply of sapphire heat-treated, leading to downward pressure on prices of Ruby.

Improvements include the use of color change, and improve transparency through the solution of the inclusion of rutile, and healing of fractures (cracks) or even completely filling them.

The most common treatment is the application of heat. Most, if not all, rubies at the lower end of the market are heat treated to the rough stones to improve color, and remove the dye purple, blue patches and silk. These treatments heat usually occurs around the temperature ° C 1800 (3300 degrees Fahrenheit). [6] Some rubies undergo a process tube temperatures, when heating the stone coal to a temperature of 1300 degrees Celsius about (2400 ° F) for 20 to 30 minutes . Silk is only partially broken as to improve the color.

And less acceptable treatment, which gained notoriety in recent years, is lead to fill the glass. Fill the fractures inside the ruby with lead glass significantly improve the transparency of the stone, which makes sapphire is not suitable by fit for applications in jewelry. This is done in four steps:

1. By rough stones polished to eradicate all surface impurities that may affect the process of
2. Is clean and raw with hydrogen fluoride
3. The heating process during which the first is the addition of any fillers. And spent on the process of heating a bug within the fractures. Although this can be done at temperatures up to 1400 degrees Celsius (2500 degrees Fahrenheit), it is likely to occur at a temperature of about 900 degrees Celsius (1600 degrees Fahrenheit) since the rutile silk is still intact
4. Second heating process in an electric oven with various chemical additions. Have shown different solutions are mixed to be successful, but most of them contain lead and glass powder is used in the present time. Ruby fell in oils, then covered with a powder, an integral part of the tiles, put them in the oven where it is heated to a temperature of around 900 (1600 degrees Fahrenheit) for an hour in oxidizing atmosphere. Orange colored powder turning on the heating in the transparency of the yellow paste, which fills all fractures. After cooling the color paste is fully transparent and dramatically improves the overall transparency of the ruby.

If the color needs to be added, powdered glass and can be "enhanced" with copper or other metal oxides as well as elements such as sodium, calcium, potassium, etc..

Process is repeated and can be heated second 3-4 times, and application to mixtures of different [7]. And when they contain Sapphire Jewelry warming (to reform) should not be coated with acid, hollow or any other material, and this can dig surface; it should not be "protected" like diamonds.
Synthetic and imitation rubies

In 1837 Gaudin made the first synthetic rubies of potash alum valves at high temperature with a little chromium as a pigment. In 1847 Ebelmen made by the bombing white sapphire alumina in boric acid. In 1877 and Frenic Freil made crystal corundum from which cut stones can be small. Frimy and Auguste Verneuil manufactured artificial ruby by bombing Puff 2 and Al 2 O 3 with the chrome in the heat a little red. In 1903 announced Verneuil he can produce sapphire synthetic on a commercial scale using this fusion flame process. [8] In 1910, expanded laboratory Verneuil entered into a production facility oven 30, with the production of precious stones annual terms amounted to 1000 kg (2205 £) in 1907.

Other processes in the synthetic sapphire that can be produced by Czochralski in the process of withdrawing, the flow of the process, and the process is hydrothermal. Most synthetic rubies flame emanating from fusion, because of the low costs involved. Synthetic rubies may not flaws visible to the naked eye but magnification may reveal the curves, and striae and bubbles of gas. And the least number of less obvious imperfections, the more valuable ruby is; what there were not any defects (ie, perfect "" Ruby), and in this case would be suspected of having artificial. Dopants are added to some manufactured rubies so they can be identified and artificial, but most of the gems need a test to determine their source.

Synthetic sapphire uses her technological as well as those of jewelry. Ruby synthetic bars are used to make the ruby laser and masers. Laser, which was the first by Theodore H. Maiman in 1960 [9] In the Research Laboratories Hughes in Malibu, California, beating several research teams, including Charles Townes at Columbia University, Schawlow Arthur at Bell Labs, [10], Gold in a company called TRG (Technical Research Group). Maiman used a solid-state light pumping synthetic ruby to produce red laser light at a wavelength of 694 nanometers (nm). The ruby laser is still in use. Sapphire can also be used in applications where high hardness is required, such as materials needed to clear the tips in the coordination of the investigation Measuring Machine.

Sapphire is also tradition and marketing. Red spinels, red colored Alaqiqgualzjaj was, and claimed falsely that the rubies. Replica return to the times Romanian and already in the techniques of 17 century and designed to thwart the red scarlet wool burning at the bottom of the oven, which was then placed under the imitation stone. [11] in terms of trade such as the Palace ruby red spinel and rubellite for red tourmaline can mislead buyers unsuspecting . And therefore encourages such terminology used by many associations jewelry such as a lab manual for the Commission to harmonize (LMHC). 


pardeep said...

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pardeep said...

I have Ruby stone Indian origin with 203.51 GMS ,Unmounted ,index spot 1.760 spot ,purplish red, Natural..and 7 kg black sapphire ..write me your
Dated 3rd sept 2012

pardeep said...

For import and export of Foreign origin stones from Cloumbia ,Shrilanks write me at based in Chandigarh.
Pardeep sharma

Unknown said...
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Amit Gems said...
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Amit Gems said...

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Neha Parikar said...
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Rinku Soni said...

Buy Tanzanite stone is a rare and valuable gemstone known for its stunning blue-violet color. It's a variety of the mineral zoisite and is renowned for its vibrant hues, ranging from deep blue to violet, often with hints of purple. Tanzanite is particularly prized for its pleochroism, which means it can exhibit different colors when viewed from different angles.

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